Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Head's Welcome

I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed as the Headteacher at Checkendon Church of England Primary School and I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

I’m married and have two children; when I am not in school, my time is taken with my family, reading, baking and I love to travel. During the last 14 years in teaching, I have worked through most roles in school including teacher, SENCo, and Assistant Headteacher.

Let me start by defining what I regard as the main features of a positive learning environment, it is one in which all children feel welcomed, valued; are enthusiastic and engaged in their learning; eager to experiment, and feel rewarded for their effort. We want our pupils to know that the work they will be asked to do in our classrooms will be challenging, but in doing so they will feel encouraged and supported. We want them to eagerly accept challenge because taking risks and making mistakes is welcomed as an essential part of our ‘growth mindset’ attitude. My priority is to discover the unique voice within each child so that they can flourish. I will be doing all that I can to ensure that their experience of primary school is one that they will look back on with great fondness. I see my role as equipping them with the skills they need to help them form high aspirations, alongside providing personalised support to ensure they achieve them. This means pushing them academically, spiritually, physically and artistically through a broad and rich curriculum that includes plenty of visits and opportunities. When they look ahead to the future, it is with excitement, confident in their many talents, and keen to contribute to society in a positive way.

I really enjoy working with the whole school community. Where possible, I involve children and parents in key decisions, from my experience as a parent and teacher, I know that a successful and happy school is built on a partnership between home and school. I am also keen to form strong links with the local area so that the school remains at the heart of the community.

I’m usually at the gate in the morning, please come over and say hello. If you would like a tour of the school, please get in touch. 

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