Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope

Oak Class Blog 2024/2025


Term 4 Week 2  - Traditional Tales Writing Week

What a busy week! This week the children in Oak class have worked incredibly hard to each plan and produce their own retelling of Beauty and the Beast.  Their detailed storyboards and books were all on display as part of our school exhibition on Friday and alongside their stunning illustrations looked wonderful! We also explored our classroom library with a scavenger hunt. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day and the children's costumes were fantastic. 

Alongside writing week we also marked the start of Lent, creating kindness pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and beginning our 40 Days of Kindness challenge.  

Next week we begin our new theme of Wonderful Wheels reading Mrs Armitage on Wheels in English and discovering how transport has changed over time. 

Term 4 Week 1 

This week we have been reading traditional tales and finding out their defining features, learning about the illustrator Jan Pienkowski, investigating multiplication in maths, creating traditional Polish folk art Wycinanki, and having a wonderful time in our workshop with Mrs Lovegrove!

We have used Jan Pienkowski's illustrations as inspiration for our marbled silhouettes from Beauty and the Beast. 

Next we will be having our Traditional Tale themed whole school writing week and celebrating World Book Day.

Term 3 Week 6

This week Oak class have been writing some winter themed poems, using adjectives, alliteration and similes. They did a fantastic job!

Winter is as...

Chilly as crispy, crunchy ice 

Cosy as a cat on the chair by the fire

Blustery as a wild, whirly wind. 

In our Art Learning Project we created wax relief snow flake pictures using colour wash.  We the used colour washes and pastels to create the night sky for our Aurora Borealis pictures.  The pictures have turned out beautifully! 

In PE the children's Judo skills (and use of Japanese) is progressing brilliantly.  They all enjoy the lessons each week. 

Next term we will begin by looking at Traditional Tales and the illustrations of Jan Pienkowski ready for Whole School Writing week.  

Term 3 Week 5

This week Oak class have been writing Polar Bear fact files in English, investigating odd and even numbers in maths and studying snowflakes in our Learning Project.  We learnt that snowflakes are all based on a hexagon shape before having ago at drawing our own.  The children then looked at the repeating patterns in snowflake crystals to create their own printing stamps which thee used to create some wonderful snowflake art.

In PE this week the girls took part in their first football tournament and did a fantastic job representing the school.  They all had great fun!  

Next week we will be writing poems in English and creating art based on the Aurora Borealis. 

Term 3 Week 4

This week we have been scientists!  We have carried out investigations to find out where the coldest place in the school is, made frozen banana lollies and investigated the best way to free dinosaurs trapped in ice.  

We have also been celebrating Lunar New Year, wishing each other 'Happy New Year' in Mandarin, performing a dragon dance in PE and creating snakes after hearing the story of The Great Race. 

In English we have begun planning Polar Bear Fact files while in Maths Year 2 have begun work on division and Year 1 have continued work on fact families. 

Next week we will be beginning our art learning project on snowflakes and writing our Polar Bear fact files. 

Term 3 Week 3

This week we have been writing Polar adventure stories in English, based on Lost and Found.  I have been really impressed with the quality of writing and how hard all the children worked on their stories. 

'He rowed south for many days, through good weather and bad, where the waves were as big as mountains!' TC  

'They set off over the rough waves and they saw people waving from the shore.' FN

In PE they have been working on travelling over, under and along equipment.  Mrs Thomas has been impressed with the balancing skills demonstrated. 

In our afternoon learning  project we have used Purple Mash to create leaflets about the Arctic Circle and Antarctica using our facts from our previous online searching lesson and enjoyed reading the story And Tango Makes Three. 


Term 3 Week 2 

This week in English we have been learning about verbs, conjunctions and similes using the Oliver Jeffers book Lost and Found as our inspiration.  The children have written lists of what they would take to Antarctica using conjunctions (because, if, so) to explain why.  They have also written postcards from Antarctica using similes to describe their journey.  

As part of our 'Frozen' topic this week we have learnt about life in the Arctic circle, using search engines to learn about the animals who live there.  We have also learnt about the Inuits and their traditional way of life.  We had a go at constructing our own igloos using lego before beginning construction of our class igloo.  We discovered it is harder to build an igloo than you think! 

Next week we will be creating information leaflets about the Polar regions to share our knowledge.   

Term 3 Week 1

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to Oak Class this week.  We have all worked hard setting ourselves some challenges for 2025 and beginning our new topic 'Frozen'.  

In English we have been writing found posters for the Penguin who appeared in our classroom before reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.

In the afternoons we have been learning about life for the animals who live in the coldest parts of the Earth, the Arctic and Antarctica.  

Next week we will be learning more about life in the Arctic circle, building igloos and continuing our Judo lessons in PE.  

Term 2 Week 7

This week the children have excelled themselves, performing a fantastic gymnastics display, reading in a packed church, reflecting on our nativity and creating some wonderful festive art using recycled materials.  There have been lots of kindness nominations and our tree is now bursting with decorations.  All the children have worked really hard this term and are ready for a good rest over the holidays! 

Mrs Thomas and I would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.   We look forward to welcoming Oak Class back in 2025.  


Term 2 Week 6

This week has been very busy! I am incredibly proud of how the children performed in Hey Ewe!  this week and hope the audience enjoyed the production as much as the children enjoyed performing.  Thank you to all parents who helped the children learn their lines and provided costumes.  

We have also been busy with our moving pictures DT learning project, learning about pop ups, sliding pictures and how to use split pins effectively.  

In PE the children have been practicing for their gymnastics display on Monday morning whilst in English we have been retelling the story of Dogger.  

Next week we will complete our work on moving pictures, celebrate our hard earned whole school treat and enjoy a delicious Christmas lunch. 

Term 2 Week 5 

This week has been full of rehearsals for Hey Ewe! The children are working so hard and we're looking forward to performing it for you next week. 

Alongside rehearsals we have also begun reading the story of Dogger  in English, learnt about Toys in the Past in history and practised our gymnastic routine in PE. 

Our classroom is beginning to look roe festive with the addition of our Kindness Christmas Tree.  When anyone spots an act of kindness a bauble is added to the tree. 

Next week we will be performing Hey Ewe!, making moving pictures and continuing our work on Dogger. 

Term 2 Week 4

This week we have begun rehearsing our nativity play Hey Ewe! The stage is up and the children are all working really hard, learning their songs, lines and actions. 

We have also been busy learning about the weather.  Each day in Oak class we have monitored the temperature, rain fall and the day's weather.  We have also created our own weather forecasts on Purple Mash which the children then presented to the class. 

Next week we will be reading the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes and beginning our learning topic about Toys in the Past. 

Term 2 Week 3 

This week we began our Weather topic.  The snow arrived with perfect timing so we had fun exploring winter weather for ourselves! We have been learning about the seasons, the symbols used to represent weather in  forecasts and the countries and capital cities of the UK as next we will be presenting and filming our own weather forecasts. 

In PSHE we have been discussing road safety and the importance of being visible by the road side as the days and nights are gloomier and darker.  We looked at these two photos to illustrate that.  Both have a child standing in the same position but only one is clearly visible. 

In maths year 1 have been learning about 3d shapes hunting for them all around the classroom, whilst year 2 have continued working with money.  In English we have been planning our reports about hedgehogs which we will write next week. 

Thank you for all your support helping the children with their lines for the nativity, please could the children have their scripts in school everyday.  Next week we will be rehearsing in the hall on the stage! 

Term 2 Week 2 

This week we have been celebrating the beauty of Autumn.  We created Art Ephemera using leaves which we then recorded in photos.  Our photos from last weeks Forest School have also been edited, framed and displayed in the hall way.  They look fantastic! 

In English we have been looking at the features of report writing and finding out about hedgehogs ready to write our own reports next week.  

In maths we have been learning about money, recognising the different coin values and using different strategies to total different amounts. 

Alongside gymnastics and Judo in PE, we have also been thinking about Anti-bullying week discussing how to be a good friend, the importance of kindness and respect. 

Next week we will be thinking about road safety and beginning to rehearse our nativity play.   

Term 2 Week 1

This week we have been thinking about Remembrance Day.  The children worked together to create a beautiful poppy wreath which will be displayed in our reflection space. 

In English we have been writing firework poems. We have used our senses to describe the experience of fireworks and bonfire night and created some wonderful poems. In maths we have been learning about the language of subtraction.  

In our computing learning project we have been learning about online safety and the importance of keeping our login details private.   We have also been creating pictures using 2paint, saving work, retrieving work and editing it.  Following an inspirational assembly from local photographer Simon Booker, we also took photos in the forest, which we will edit next week. 

The week finished with a wonderful time at Forest School making potions! 

Term 1 Week 8

This week has been busy! On Monday we all went to Langtree for the KS1 cross country competition.  There was some fantastic racing and the children were wonderful at supporting each other.  Thank you to Mrs Thomas for all your hard work both in PE lessons and organising tournaments and fixtures. 

This week marked the end of our Castles Learning Project.  In DT the children each constructed a castle with a working drawbridge which they personalised with battlements, arrow slots, flags, turrets before painting.  As a class we also constructed Oak Castle which we will enjoy using next term.  In English the children planned and wrote a fantasy journey story inspired by Aaron Becker's Journey,  using adjectives and time adverbials in their writing.  

In Term 2 Week 1 we will be thinking about Fireworks, Remembrance and composing and editing photographs in computing. 

Term 1 Week 7

This week Oak Class have been writing instructions.  They have considered what to do if there was a dragon on the school field and written instructions on the best way to catch the creature.  They then created their own dragons and wrote instruction on the best ways to care for them! 

We started reading the story Journey by Aaron Becker and thought about where we would like a magic door to take us. 

In maths Year 2 have been adding 2 digit numbers whilst Year 1 have been solving subtraction problems using their number bonds.  

In PE they have been training hard for the cross-country tournament at Langtree on Monday afternoon. 

Next week we will be constructing our castles (thank you for all the cardboard boxes which have arrived!) with working drawbridges, taking part in a cross country race and writing fantasy stories in English. 

Term 1 Week 6

What a busy but fun week this has been. In Science we have been investigating materials, thinking about testing fairly and recording our results accurately. We investigated and waterproof, non-waterproof, absorbent and non-absorbent materials by seeing which kept Ted the duck the driest. We also investigated malleable and non-malleable  materials by squashing, bending twisting and stretching different everyday items.  

In maths we have been concentrating on addition and subtraction, Year 1 have been learning their number bonds while Year 2 have been adding single digit numbers to two digit numbers. 

On Thursday we marked World Mental Health Day by wearing yellow.  Oak class also thought about what we mean by mental health and how we can look after our mental wellbeing.  We discussed how some emotions can make us feel uncomfortable and talked about ideas to help when that is the case.  We created some paper chains with suggestions of things to do which make us feel calm and happy. 

We also had an interactive online lesson about harvest, learning about the ingredients needed to make a celebration Carnival Soup. 

Next week we will be beginning our DT project to create castle with a drawbridge.  

Term 1 Week 5

This week we have thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Windsor!

We have also been thinking about harvest.  In English we began looking at instructions and their features.  We followed instructions to make scarecrows and baked apples then had a go at writing our own. 

Next week we will be investigating waterproof and non-waterproof materials in science and writing a recount of our visit in English. 

Term 1 Week 5 - Windsor Castle Trip

We had the best day at Windsor Castle! The children behaved beautifully, the sun shone and we all enjoyed our 'Meet the Monarch' workshop. 


Term 1 Week 4

This week in English we have been using time adverbials (first, next, then), adjectives and prepositions to retell the story of Into the Castle.  In maths we have been comparing numbers and calculations using < > and =.  

In science we have begun investigating everyday materials.  We looked at lots of different objects around the school and then looked at the fabric of the school building itself, taking rubbings of the different materials we found. We also worked in pairs to identify what some of the everyday items in our classroom are made from.  

In music with Mrs Davies the children have been using percussion instruments to create their own rhythms and beats. 

Next week we will begin to think about harvest, write instructions in English and go to visit Windsor Castle.

Term 1 Week 3

This week in our learning project we have designed heraldic shields, and learnt more about the coronation of King Charles III in preparation for our upcoming visit to Windsor Castle.  In English we have read Into the Castle looking at the use of prepositions and adjectives before writing some fantastic sentences.  In Maths we have explored more/less than and played ball games in PE.  The children are all settling into the routines of school and working so hard!  Well done Oak Class for a great week. 

Next week we will be writing stories in English and beginning our science learning project. 

Term 1 Week 2 

On Monday we welcomed PCSO Haynes to Oak class, she talked to the children about the different roles of the police and how they can help us.  She then shared a story about PC Ben.  

We have been learning about King Charles III this week, using the iPads to carry out research with partners.  We also created our own mixed media collages of the King's head and designed a crown for him to wear. 

On Friday we held our school council elections.  Each candidate delivered a speech before the class, I was very impressed with the thought and effort each child had put into their ideas and their confident delivery.  Following the speeches every child in Oak class was asked to vote.  Mrs Hillier will be announcing the results next week! 

Next week we will be continuing our learning about castles and King Charles. 

Term 1 - Week 1 

It has been lovely to welcome all the children back to Oak Class this week.  We have created some bright and colourful art work to brighten up the classroom, enjoyed exploring castles and started our maths learning about place value. 

Next week we will be welcoming PC Ben on Monday, reading 'Into the Castle' in English and continuing our Learning Project to find out more about castles and the people who lived in them.