Our Curriculum
Learning at our school
In this section of the website, you will find information about our school curriculum.
Learning at Our School
The staff and governors are committed to ensuring that the curriculum is designed to inspire and excite all children and cater to all styles of learning. We strongly believe that our exciting and relevant curriculum is key to the high level of achievement as well as the outstanding behaviour and attitude to learning that pervades at Checkendon Primary School.
Curriculum Intent
At Checkendon Primary School, we intend to develop a lifelong love of learning within a nurturing Christian community in a way that enables every child to flourish and thrive. We provide high quality teaching and learning experiences through a carefully designed and well-planned curriculum that is balanced, engaging and challenging yet accessible to all. It is important that our children have rich and diverse opportunities and a range of memorable experiences from which to learn.
We aim to generate excitement for learning for all, developing lively enquiring minds, the ability to question and reason, the courage and confidence to make mistakes and the motivation and resilience to work independently and overcome obstacles.
The promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of children is embedded within our curriculum in order to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life in modern Britain.
Curriculum Implementation and Strategy
All staff have high expectations for the children whilst recognising that each and every child is different. A wide variety of teaching strategies and techniques are used to enable children to learn effectively. These include individual, group and whole class teaching. As a staff, we are continually monitoring and evaluating our teaching strategies and results. Our policy documents and schemes of work are the results of collaborative discussion and regular review.
We have developed our curriculum strategy, starting with the outcomes that we want for our children at the end of each phase of their education, including what we want for when they leave us to join secondary school so that we can deliver:
- An outstanding and cohesive academic curriculum;
- A holistic curriculum for pupil well-being.
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