Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Checkendon CE (A) Primary School

Respect, integrity, courage, compassion and hope


If you would like a paper copy of any of our policies, please don't hesitate to ask at the school office. 


School Policies

 Accessibility Policy.pdfDownload
 Admission Policy.pdfDownload
 Antibullying Policy 2024.docDownload
 Attendance Policy.pdfDownload
 Collective Worship.pdfDownload
 Complaints Procedure Policy.pdfDownload
 Curriculum Policy.pdfDownload
 Drug Education and incident Policy .pdfDownload
 Early Career Teachers Induction Policy.pdfDownload
 Early Years Foundation Stage Policy.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 32

OCC Required Policies

 Adoption Leave and Pay Scheme.pdfDownload
 Antibullying harrassment and discrimination policy.pdfDownload
 Appraisal Policy for Teachers and Headteachers.pdfDownload
 Children Missing in Education Policy.pdfDownload
 Disciplinary Policy and Procedure for Oxfordshire Schools.pdfDownload
 Domestic violence abuse policy and guidance.pdfDownload
 Driving at work.pdfDownload
 Drugs and alcohol policy.pdfDownload
 Emergency and Special Leave Scheme.pdfDownload
 Equality & Diversity in the Workplace.pdfDownload
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