Welcome to Willow Class 2024 - 2025
Willow Class is the bright and spacious home to 24 Year 3 and 4 pupils. It is equipped with a comfortable, well-stocked library, a large break out space perfect for art projects and small group work, and an attached outdoor classroom. In Willow Class we enjoy lots of paired and small group work and we use our trolley of Chrome books and ipads to enhance our learning. We also like to take our learning outside the classroom, participating in swimming and Judo lessons, weekly Forest School and fun school trips.
Teacher: Mrs Lunn
Teaching Assistant: Miss Gomm
Term 4 - Fighting Fit
Please see the curriculum letter below, which outlines the learning for this term.
We have Sportshall Athletics on a Wednesday and Judo on a Thursday. Please bring PE kits in on a Monday and leave them in school all week.
Children will need to bring their reading book and homework diary in each day.
Autumn Parent Information Meeting
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Parent Information Meeting.pdf | Download |
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Timetable.pdf | Download |
Home Learning
Children should read and discuss their book with an adult at least 5 times a week. This should be recorded in the homework diaries and signed by parents weekly. (See below for more information)
All other home learning will be set on a Wednesday and should be brought back to school by Monday.
The children will note each week's home learning in their homework diaries.
Children should read every day, and it is still important, even if they are able to read by themselves, that they still read to an adult, or are read to by an adult. We would appreciate you having 'book talk' discussions with your child in order to develop their enjoyment of reading and their comprehension and word skills. You may find these links useful in guiding you on reading for pleasure and supporting your child at home: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/tips-and-advice/reading-tips/encouraging-older-children-to-read/ or https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/tips-and-advice/reading-tips/ .
Below are some question stems to assist you with this (Vipers KS2). If you are looking for suitable books then this website may be helpful: https://www.booktrust.org.uk/booklists/1/100-best-book
Please see below useful resources for supporting your child with their writing.
I can learning statements for Willow Class
Name | |
YEAR THREE I can learning statements .pdf | Download |
YEAR FOUR I can learning statements.pdf | Download |
Maths progression year R to 6.pdf | Download |
Reading I can learning statements - Willow Class.pdf | Download |
Reading progression year R to 6.pdf | Download |
Writing I can learning statements - Willow Class.pdf | Download |
Writing progression year R to 6.pdf | Download |